American Indian Costume

Slipping away from us in these times of the homogenization of culture are the traditions of older societies, some of them dating from 9000 B.C., who understood and were in tune with the changing vistas of the North American continent. Practical, yet with an eye for beauty, these peoples clothed themselves in a vast array […]

European Costume and Fashion 1490-1790

This authoritative guide carefully traces the evolution of apparel in Western Europe — from the early Tudor period (1490) through part of the reign of George III (1790). Relying on period paintings and prints to illustrate various elements of clothing, the authors have meticulously dated every costume and detail. Here are intriguing images and accounts […]

Fitting & Proper

In this book Burnston studies the 18th century costume collection from the Chester County (Pennsylvania) Historical Society. The first book to focus exclusively on an entirely American collection of 18th century clothing. Notably, the clothing examined is that of ordinary citizens, rather than the military or upper class. Over 40 original items are described and […]

The Frontier Rifleman

The purpose of this book is to correct any preconceived ideas about the American Rifleman; to present to those who wish to re-enact or interpret the rifleman’s role, a compact conglomeration of his clothing, arms, and equipment. Also, it can serve as a guide for any who wish to find out about the smallest detail […]

Voices of Native America

This book is an in-depth look at Native American music and the instruments used by indigenous peoples both past and present. It includes information and explanations of traditional and contemporary music, as well as instructions and descriptions of how to make most forms of traditional Native American musical instruments. Each instrument is accompanied by a […]

A Beadwork Companion

Following the success of her first book, “A Quillwork Companion”, Jean Heinbuch brings her sound, practical advice to the craft of beading with a series of step by step illustrated projects designed to teach the beginner and challenge the experienced. The book progresses from simple to complex projects, from barrettes to fully beaded belts, adding […]